Dauda Manneh

Биография Dauda

Dauda Manneh постоянно проживает в городе Serekunda (Гамбия), место рождения – Serrekund. Сейчас Dauda 33 года, не женат. По знаку зодиака Стрелец, родился в год Обезъяны по восточному гороскопу. Согласно общедоступным источникам опубликованы следующие данные про Dauda: информация о высшем образовании, послужной список (карьера), ссылки на социальные сети, список друзей и знакомых (1). список друзей и знакомых (1),
Знак зодиака: Стрелец
Восточный гороскоп: год Обезъяны
Возраст: 33 года
Дата рождения: 13 декабря 1992
Страна и город: Гамбия, Serekunda
Место рождения: Serrekund
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Информация про Dauda

Деятельность: Making new friends Meeting up in real life
Владение языками: English
Политические взгляды:
скрыто или нет данных
Религия и мировоззрение:
скрыто или нет данных
Отношение к алкоголю: резко негативное
Отношение к курению: резко негативное
Любимые цитаты: "If you are a racist, please go away from my page! All i want is peace, love, and freedom. Racism is an enemy of love and freedom" ~Dauda Mane~ Africa, my Africa Africa of proud warriors in ancestral savannahs Africa of whom my grandmother sings On the banks of the distant river I have never known you But your blood flows in my veins Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the fields The blood of your sweat The sweat of your work The work of your slavery Africa, tell me Africa Is this you, this back that is bent This back that breaks Under the weight of humiliation This back trembling with red scars And saying yes to the whip under the midday sun But a grave voice answers me Impetuous child that tree, young and strong That tree over there Splendidly alone amidst white and faded flowers That is your Africa springing up anew Springing up patiently, obstinately Whose fruit bit by bit acquires The bitter taste of liberty. ~David Diop~ * Though I am a poor person, but I am not a lair. * I rather die in poverty than living on lies. * I don't tell lies to get something from people. I have faith on Allah (God) that my day will arrive and I will get what I want and I will travel to places where I want. * I HATE RACISM, I HATE LIES, I HATE BETRAYS, I HATE HYPOCRITES. * I DISLIKE ABUSE, I DISLIKE DISAPPOINTMENT, I DISLIKE ARROGANT. " Racism is an enemy of love and freedom"
Источники вдохновения:
скрыто или нет данных
Музыка: Akon R&B Slow Jam Love I love all type of music. The most thing interested me in music is what the singer said in his music or lyrics, not the beat of course.
Фильмы: Game of thrones Vampire diaries And love movies. plus any other interesting movies
ТВ передачи: I dont have enough time to watch tv shows
Игры: I dont have enough time to play games
Книги: Love, life, biology, and any other interesting books.
Главное в людях: доброта и честность
Главное в жизни:
скрыто или нет данных
Немного о себе: I DONT CLASSIFY MYSELF OR PEOPLE IN ANY CLASS OR GROUP. I DONT CLASSIFY MYSELF IN ANY RACE, ETHNIC, COLOR, NATIONALITY. MY HOME IS WHEREVER I HAVE PEACE AND FREEDOM. I can speak, write and read these 4 Languages: English, French, Arabic and Portuguese, plus a little Spanish. I can also speak 5 African Languages of West Africa. * I am single ( I don't have a girlfriend) * I never married ( I never had a wife). * I never had a kid. * I never smoke or use drug ( smoke in general) * I never drank alcohol * I am allergic to smoke. I love smiling and making new friends, i always smile with people even if i don't know you :) :). I love kids, specially when i see them smiling, laughing and playing :). I don't like to see someone crying or angry. cause its makes me cry, too!!!:(. I love helping people when i can. I am friendly and i everyday take step by step to be close to other people and make friendship with them and make them smile and laugh, its one of the most important thing in my life. I don't have a personal thing when someone is already my friend and i am very open minded and open widely to my friends. I hide nothing from my friends, i always stick together with them whether they are in good or bad situation, whether time is good or bad im always with them. You wont believe how friendly i am until when you are in bad or difficult situation.

Высшее образование

БГМУ, дата окончания: не указана
Факультет: Лечебный факультет
Кафедра: Общей хирургии
Беларусь, Минск


SNAIL MAIL I LOVE COLLECTING ; KEY-CHAINS, NECKLACES, MEDALS, NEWS PAPERS AND POCKETS. I can send you a post card if you want :) I like workout(gym), cooking, running, football, going to the forest, fishing, nature, swimming, riding Bike, going to the beach, reading, writing, drawing, watching news, listening to the music, visiting friends, traveling if I have money, doing snail mail if i have money.

Работа и карьера

Selling milk Гамбия, Serekunda

Социальные сети

ВКонтакте id293233248
Одноклассники скрыто или нет данных
Facebook скрыто или нет данных
Instagram скрыто или нет данных
YouTube скрыто или нет данных
@ Мой Мир скрыто или нет данных

Телефоны и мессенджеры

Мобильный телефон: +2207612135
Домашний телефон: +2203529107
Skype: скрыто или нет данных

Источник данных

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Друзья и знакомые Dauda

Воробьёва Настя
Россия, Иваново
Дата рождения: 18 июня

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